Information on what personal data we collect, what we use it for, where we store it and for how long we retain it.
Design Fix is registered with the I.C.O. for Data Protection. Design Fix ensures compliance with privacy laws for the UK:
UK Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA)
UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR)
Here is our privacy statement and our procedures:
1. is protected by a website security certificate denoted by the "https" status in the address bar. No personal data can be submitted through the website, nor is it e-commerce enabled. 2. Website compliant with GDPR guidelines. 3. Links provided to website. 4. Privacy policy in place and published on website.
Our website may offer your browser cookies to improve efficiency of use and user experience and also to provide user statistics to google analytics for analysis: It is entirely your preference to set your browser to not accept these cookies. You can delete or remove cookies and/or cookie permission at anytime. By continuing to use this website you are agreeing to these terms.
SECURITY…Office/business practises 1. Ensure computer operation system is current and supported for security updates. 2. Switch off back-up drive when not in use. 3. Do not send sensitive data whilst connected to public or insecure Wi-Fi. 4. Mobile phones and devices set up to allow remote tracking/wiping for if lost/stolen. 5. All devices must be password/PIN/fingerprint recognition protected. 6. 2FA – two factor authentication set up where possible. 7. Awareness of and vigilance to rogue/emails. 8. Only download software from reputable sources. 9. Utilise and update anti-virus/malware detection software on all devices.
SOURCE…how do we get your personal data? 1. Via email – direct enquiry by the client themselves. 2. Via email – via agent/directory who pass on the details of an enquiry e.g., , etc. 3. Details taken down during a phone enquiry by the client or their representative e.g. Estate Agent. 4. Business cards provided. 5. Details may be given as a referral. 6. Via messenger apps such as Facebook/messenger/Whatsapp – direct enquiry by the client themselves. 7. Via text – direct enquiry by the client themselves. 8. Via telephone/mobile phone call – direct enquiry by the client themselves.
1. Name 2. Email address 3. Telephone number(s) 4. Address – home or business 5. Address – of the property under discussion 6. Details about the property under discussion
REASON FOR DATA COLLECTION… 1. To carry out the requested services or supply goods to the client etc. 2. To set up a contract with the client. 3. To communicate with the client in relation to their requests. 4. To research the property and the area it is within. 5. To raise an invoice for any services/goods provided. 6. For the delivery of any services/goods. 7. Design Fix do not use personal data they collect for marketing purposes.
WHO ELSE HAS ACCESS TO THE PERSONAL DATA WE HOLD… 1. The suppliers of any items we order for the client if they are to deliver direct to our client. 2. The trade/service providers we ask for quotes or organise on behalf of the client. A list of the relevant suppliers/trades can be given to the individual on request. 3. Our delivery companies and logistics partners. Details can be provided, on request where used. 4. Where large electronic files need to be sent, the client’s email address will be given to a file transfer sites such as: : : 5. Our Accountant: Lawson’s Accountants, Blackpool. 6. The agent who forwarded the data to us: e.g. : ;; : , etc.
DATA REMOVAL…how long do we keep your personal data? 1. We will delete any data we hold relating to you upon request by you or by an authorised person, if it doesn’t contravene any laws/regulations. 2. Data relating to a general enquiry, with no further action or contract, will be deleted after a period of 12 months, or, if kept, personal data will be redacted. The cleansed files will be then be stored in a folders identified by the ‘town’ of the project/date. 3. Personal data contained within a contract or project where the Design Fix has supplied goods or services will be retained to ensure continuity of service and compliance with Health & Safety, Fire Regulations and Consumer Laws etc. 4. Personal data held within our accounts system will be kept for the statutory 6 years plus current financial year. After which time any digital copies will be deleted from the computer hard drive/backup drive, with paper copies disposed of securely.
STORAGE…where do we keep personal data we collect? 1. Local computer hard drive and back-up hard drive, password protected. Files only accessible by relevant personnel and authorised users. 2. Email host/server supplier: 3. Microsoft Outlook software 4. Emails: on local desktop computer saved, were relevant, in project folders on a local hard drive. Otherwise deleted after 12 months. 5. Mobile phone: emails older than 6 months are deleted. 6. Mobile phone: contact details. Deleted after 12 months if not used or not connected to any contracted work. 7. Mobile phone: texts or calls – user log and texts deleted after 12 months if not used or not connected to any contracted work.. 8. Mobile phone: password protected/fingerprint recognition. 9. Messenger apps: Facebook messenger: WhatsApp: 10. Samsung cloud: contacts/emails. 11. Paper files: project files containing personal data are stored securely. 12. Invoice/accounts: paper records are stored securely. Digital records are stored securely on local drive and back-up hard drive and also uploaded to our online accounting cloud:
RETRIVAL…how we will carry out a request to retrieve your personal data? 1. Authentication required for legitimate/authorised request. Proof of identity required. 2. Project files: Paper copies kept in a filing system in date order. 3. Financial records: a search of the accounts database/spreadsheet then cross referenced with the paper files. 4. Project files: within the digital filing system on local computer hard drive. 5. Finally a general name/keyword search sweep of the computer local hard drive and mobile phone.
REPORTING OF DATA BREACHES… 1. Design Fix will report any breach of data security within the organisation to the I.C.O. within the required 72 hours of its discovery. 2. Any data breach within the Design Fix organisation will be thoroughly investigated. 3. If you would like to notify Design Fix of a suspected breach to their data, please email: